Institut für Strafrecht und Kriminologie


Filip Vojta is a post-doctoral researcher and lecturer in international criminal law at the Institute for Penal Law and Criminology, University of Bern. He holds a Master of Law degree (mag. iur.) from the Faculty of Law, University of Zagreb, and a Doctor of Law degree (Dr. iur.) from the Faculty of Law, University of Freiburg (summa cum laude). He previously held the position of a researcher in the Department of Criminology at the Max Planck Institute for the Study of Crime, Security and Law (formerly Max Planck Institute for Foreign and International Criminal Law) and was a research associate of the Max Planck Partner Group for Balkan Criminology (MPPG). His first research monograph, Imprisonment for International Crimes: An Interdisciplinary Analysis of the ICTY Sentence Enforcement Practice (Duncker & Humblot, 2020), comprehensively explores the significance of penal rehabilitation for the perpetrators of international crimes and its implementation in the prison treatment of the ICTY convicts. In 2020, the study was awarded the Otto Hahn Medal by the Max Planck Society as an outstanding scientific achievement.

As a research associate, Filip Vojta participated in several international research projects, including Life Imprisonment Worldwide, Life Imprisonment Worldwide Revisited (with the University of Nottingham) and Imprisonment in the Balkans (with MPPG). His research was previously funded by the Max Planck Society, German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) and Open Society Foundations. As an author and co-editor (with Dr. Timm Sureau), Filip Vojta is currently working on a book project On Punishment: Negotiating Society. The book will feature contributions from an interdisciplinary group of scholars on the contemporary trends and challenges in penal policies worldwide. He is simultaneously engaged in interdisciplinary research on international criminal justice and transitional justice, with focus on the post-Yugoslavian states.

Since 2024, Filip Vojta has been the Programme Coordinator of the Doctoral School in Criminal Law at the University of Bern.

Research disciplines and fields

  • International criminal law
  • Transitional justice
  • Comparative penology
  • Penal theories
  • Criminology of collective and political violence


  • Arbeitskreis Völkerstrafrecht (Franz-von-Liszt-Institut für Internationales Strafrecht), Member
  • European Society of Criminology Postgraduate and Early Stage Researchers Working Group (Chair)
  • European Criminology Group on Atrocity Crimes and Transitional Justice (Member)
  • European Society of Criminology Working Group on Qualitative Research Methodologies and Epistemologies (Member)
  • Perpetrator Studies Network (Member)

Prizes & Awards

  • Anerkennung der Universität Bern für hervorragende Leistungen in der Lehre / Distinction from the University of Bern for excellence in teaching (Seminar «Transitional Justice», FS 2024)
  • Otto Hahn Medal 2020. The Max Planck Society honours up to 30 young scientists and researchers each year with the Otto Hahn Medal for outstanding scientific achievements.
  • Finalist for the “Deutscher Studienpreis 2019” award, granted by the Körber Foundation (shortlisted among 482 applications as one of the ten best German doctoral dissertations in the humanities).


Chapters in edited volumes


  • Ludwiczak Glassey, M., Vojta, F., Wahl, T. (2024): Chronique de droit pénal suisse dans le domaine international (2023) / Schweizerische Praxis zum Strafrecht im internationalen Umfeld (2023). Swiss Review of International and European Law 3/2024, 387-432
  • Vojta, F. (2024): The Capacity of the International Criminal Court to Fight Human Trafficking. Journal of Human Trafficking 10(2), 391-402 (Published online: 19 January 2024; URL:
  • Vojta, F., Pingen, A. (2023): The Mental Incapacity Defence in International Criminal Justice: Some Observations in Light of the ICC Appeal Judgment in the Ongwen Case. Justice Actualités Report 38(3): 11-14 (URL:
  • Vojta, F. (2023): Book Review: Why Punish Perpetrators of Mass Atrocities? Purposes of Punishment in International Criminal Law by Florian Jeßberger and Julia Geneuss. Punishment & Society (OnlineFirst:
  • Vojta, F. (2021): Researching Perpetrators of Genocide. Kjell Anderson and Erin Jessee (Eds.) (Review Essay). Canadian Journal of Criminology and Criminal Justice 63(1). (URL:
  • Vojta, F. (2020): Stern, Jessica: My War Criminal. Personal Encounters with an Architect of Genocide (Review Essay). Monatschrift für Kriminologie und Strafrechtsreform (Journal of Criminology and Penal Reform) 103(1): 75-77.
  • Vojta, F. (2018): Enforcement of International Sentences in Light of the ICC Decision in Lubanga and Katanga Cases. Freedom from Fear Magazine – F3, Issue 14: 29-35.
  • Vojta, F. (2016): 6th Pecs Summer Course in Criminology: Criminology of Terrorism (Conference Report). Balkan Criminology News 2/2015: 4-6.
  • Vojta, F. & Carl, S. (2016): ESC Postgraduate and Early Stage Researchers Working Group (EPER): “We’ve got your back in Münster, too!”. Criminology in Europe: Newsletter of the European Society of Criminology 15(2): 18-19.
  • Vojta, F. (2015): Imprisonment in the Balkans: Some Remarks on the Punishment of Life and Long-Term Imprisonment in the Countries of the Former Yugoslavia. Balkan Criminology News 1/2015: 1-5.
  • Carl, S. & Vojta, F. (2015): European Society of Criminology Postgraduate and Early Stage Researchers Working Group (EPER): "With Porto and a New Special Issue on the Horizon". Criminology in Europe: Newsletter of the European Society of Criminology, Vol. 14 (2): 23-24.
  • Vojta, F. (2014): Some Observations on the Enforcement of International Sentences in the Case of the ICTY. Justice Actualités Report 29(1): 32-33.
  • Carl, S. & Vojta, F. (2014): ESC Working Group Reports: European Society of Criminology Postgraduate and Early Stage Researchers Working Group (EPER). Criminology in Europe: Newsletter of the European Society of Criminology, Vol. 13 (3): 13-15.

Online resources, reports and databases

Invited Presentations (Selection)

  • 06/09/2024: “The Evolving Practice of Enforcing ICC Prison Sentences: A Paradigm Shift or More of the Same?” (Workshop “Spandau, Sugamo, and Landsberg – The Origins of Sentence Enforcement in International Criminal Law, and their Relevance for the International Criminal Justice System of Tomorrow: Past, Present, and Future”, 05-06/09/2024, Philipps University Marburg, Germany).
  • 22/03/2024: “Dealing with International Crimes Through Law” (“War and Peace” Seminar, Markgräfler Gymnasium Müllheim, Germany)
  • 23/09/2022: “‘What you asked me, nobody had asked me before’: The epistemological, ethical and methodological relevance of first-hand qualitative research with convicted perpetrators of international crimes” (22nd Annual Conference of the European Society of Criminology [Eurocrim] – “Challenges and Opportunities in a Virtually and Physically Connected Europe: The Need for Criminology”, 21-24/09/2023, Malaga, Spain).
  • 19/05/2022: “Researching Imprisonment for International Crimes: Theoretical, Methodological and Ethical Challenges in Socio-Legal Research with Imprisoned War Criminals” (Max Planck Law Curriculum Event: Law and Anthropology. Rethinking Normativities, Legal Dynamics, Approaches and Practices, Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology, 18-20/05/2022, Halle (Saale), Germany).
  • 05/07/2019: “Punishment and Sentence Enforcement for Serious Violations of International Humanitarian Law: The Case of the Former Yugoslavia” (IMPRS REMEP International Summer School “Understanding Social Order”, 01-07/07/2019, Hinterzarten Germany).
  • 01/09/2018: “Towards a New View on the Rehabilitation of International Criminals: The ICTY Case Study” (18th Annual Conference of the European Society of Criminology [Eurocrim] – “Crimes against Humans and Crimes against Humanity”, 29/08/-01/09/2018, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina).
  • 23/09/2016: “Etiology of Terrorism and Genocide: Perspectives for Deradicalization” (16th Annual Conference of the European Society of Criminology [Eurocrim] – “Crime and Crime Control. Structures, Developments and Actors”, 21-24/09/2016, Münster, Germany).
  • 02/06/2016: “Hate Crimes, Ethno-Nationalist Terrorism and a Post-Conflict Society: Once Upon a Time in the Balkans” (6th Pécs International Summer Course in Criminology – “Criminology of Terrorism”, 29/05/-03/06/2016, Pécs, Hungary).
  • 03/09/2015: “Implementing Punishment for Atrocities. Lessons Learned from the ICTY?” (15th Annual Conference of the European Society of Criminology [Eurocrim] – “Criminology as Unitas Multiplex”, 02-05/09/2015, Porto, Portugal).
  • 16/04/2015: “Life and Long-Term Imprisonment in the Countries of the Former Yugoslavia” (“Life Imprisonment and Human Rights” workshop at the International Institute for the Sociology of Law (IISL), 16-17/04/2015, Oñati, Spain).
  • 12/09/2014: “Researching International Criminal Justice: Practical Aspect of a Qualitative Approach” (14th Annual Conference of the European Society of Criminology – “Criminology of Europe: Inspiration by Diversity”, 10-13/09/2014, Prague, Czech Republic).
  • 06/09/2013: “Punishment and Sentence Enforcement for Serious Violations of International Humanitarian Law Committed in the Former Yugoslavia” (13th Annual Conference of the European Society of Criminology [Eurocrim] – “Beyond Punitiveness: Crime and Crime Control in Europe in a Comparative Perspective”, 04-07/09/2013, Budapest, Hungary).
  • 14/09/2012: “Enforcement of the ICTY Sentences” (12th Annual Conference of the European Society of Criminology – “Criminology in the 21st Century: A Necessary Balance between Freedom and Security”, 12-15/09/2012, Bilbao, Spain).

Organised Conferences, Panel Discussions and Colloquiums

  • 23/09/2016: International EPER panel “I’ve Got Your Back, Jack! – Reviewing and Writing for Academic Journals”, featuring guest speaker Prof. John Winterdyk (Mount Royal University, Canada), 16th Annual ESC Conference, Münster, Germany.
  • 25/01/2016: International Open Access Conference at the Max Planck Institute for the Study of Crime, Security and Law, Freiburg, Germany.
  • 03/09/2015: International EPER panel “Publish or Perish – How to Achieve the Former and Avoid the Latter”, featuring guest speakers Prof. John Winterdyk (Mount Royal University, Canada) and Prof. Paul Knepper (University of Sheffield, the UK), 15th Annual ESC Conference, Porto, Portugal.
  • 16/10/2014-16/04/2015: International “Criminal Law, Criminology and Film Colloquium” at the Max Planck Institute for the Study of Crime, Security and Law (bi-weekly presentations by guest researchers and professors at the MPI), Freiburg, Germany.


Lectures and Seminars

  • Spring Semester 2024: Seminar “Transitional Justice”, Institut für Strafrecht und Kriminologie, Universität Bern (Anerkennung der Universität Bern für hervorragende Leistungen in der Lehre / Distinction from the University of Bern for excellence in teaching)
  • Spring Semester 2023: Seminar “Strafzwecke im Völkerstrafrecht“ (Purposes of Punishment in International Criminal Law), Institut für Strafrecht und Kriminologie, Universität Bern
  • Since 2022: Lecturer in International Criminal Law, Institut für Strafrecht und Kriminologie, Universität Bern

Mentoring and Supervision

  • Kandiah, Tisona: Strafrechtliche Verantwortlichkeit von Minderjährigen für Völkerrechtsverbrechen: Rechtliche Grundlagen, kriminologische Befunde und Implikationen für den IStGH (Masterarbeit)
  • Mürner, Jael Noëmi: Mittelbare Täterschaft kraft Organisationsherrschaft: Die Anwendung der Lehre von Claus Roxin in der Rechtsprechung des Internationalen Strafgerichtshofs (Masterarbeit)
  • Thomi, Pascale Michèle: Ecocide as the Fifth Crime in the Rome Statute: A Comparative Analysis of IEP’s and UCLA’s Definition on the Basis of the Principle of Legality (master’s thesis)
  • Von Weissenfluh, Patricia Chatrigna: Geschlechtsspezifische Verfolgung im Völkerstrafrecht: Betrachtung der neuesten Rechtsprechung des IStGH hinsichtlich des Nachweises der geschlechtsspezifischen Diskriminierungsabsicht (Masterarbeit)